Diploma in MS-Office(DMO)
Course Coveage:
1hr/Day - 2Months(Normal Track)
2hrs/Day - 1Month(Fast Track)
m1 Intro
m2 Clipboard
m3 Font
m4 Paragraph
m5 Styles
m6 Editing
m7 Pages
m8 Tables
m9 Illustrations
m10 Links
m11 Header,footer
m12 text
m13 symbols
m14 themes
m15 pagesetup
m16 background
m17 paragraph
m18 arrange
m19 table of cont
m20 footnotes
m21 citations
m22 bibliography
m23 captions
m24 index
m25 table of auth
m26 Envelopes
m27 labels
m28 letters
m29 proofing
m30 comments
m31 track changes
m32 compare
m33 protect
m34 Document view
m35 show/hide
m36 zoom
m37 window
m38 macros
m39 others
m40 Excel
m41 Clipboard
m42 font
m43 alignment
m44 number
m45 styles
m46 cells
m47 editing
m48 tables
m49 Illustrations
m50 charts
m51 Links
m52 text
m53 themesm54 page setup
m55 scale to fit
m56 sheet options
m57 arrange
m58 formulas
m59 names
m60 auditing
m61 calculation
m62 external data
m63 connections
m64 sort,filter
m68 comments
m69 changes
m70 views
m71 show/hide
m72 zoom
m73 window
m74 macros
m75 others